St John's
St John’s stands in the catholic tradition of the Church of England, with a clearly affirming and inclusive approach. The church is located in St John’s Street, in the town centre of Bury St Edmunds, and was built in 1841.
We have a wide mixture of ages and backgrounds and seek to be a welcoming and friendly community. Our main Sunday service is the Parish Mass at 11.00am, Music is enhanced by the recently restored organ and an accomplished organist. There is a team of servers and incense is used on Sundays and major festivals.
A range of other services takes place throughout the week, including Eucharists on Wednesdays and Fridays. Children can receive Holy Communion before confirmation, after proper preparation.
The sacrament is reserved and the church is open every day for those who want time and space to pray and think.
Iain McKillop’s acclaimed Stations of the Cross were dedicated in 2008 and are used in worship during Lent. We have links with Affirming Catholicism and Inclusive Church and there is a Cell of The Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham.
The Centre next door to St John’s church is available for hire. It hosts the Old School Café at Just Traid and a growing number of community activities and groups.
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As part of the major works carried out in 2020, historical research was carried out by Gabriel Byng and Andrew Bradstock. This resulted in the creation of a website which can be seen at: