Monday 17th February
Janani Luwum, archbishop, martyr, 1977
Tuesday 18th February
10.00am Eucharist (CW) Fornham St Martin
6.00pm A Quiet Space St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
Wednesday 19th February
8.30am Morning Prayer (CW) St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
9.30am Eucharist (CW) St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
5.00pm Evening Prayer (CW) St George’s, Bury St Edmunds
Thursday 20th February
9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) All Saints’, Bury St Edmunds
Friday 21st February
5.15pm Evening Prayer (CW) St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
6.00pm Eucharist (CW) St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
Saturday 22nd February
SUNDAY 23rd February
2nd Sunday before Lent
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) All Saints', Bury St Edmunds
9.30am Holy Communion (CW) St George’s, Bury St Edmunds
9.30am Holy Communion (CW) All Saints’, Bury St Edmunds
10.00am Eucharist (CW) Culford
10.00am Eucharist (CW) Fornham St Martin
11.00am Sung Eucharist (CW) St John's, Bury St Edmunds
12noon Holy Communion (BCP) Flempton
Details correct at time of going to press.
All services are open and welcoming to everyone.
(BCP - Book of Common Prayer. CW - Common Worship)