Monday 24th March
Walter Hilton, mystic, 1396
Paul Couturier, priest, ecumenist, 1953
Oscar Romero, archbishop, martyr, 1980
7.30pm Solemn Eucharist ~ Eve of the Annunciation St John's, Bury St Edmunds
Tuesday 25th March
Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary
6.00pm A Quiet Space St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
Wednesday 26th March
Harriet Monsell, founder of the Community of St John the Baptist
8.30am Morning Prayer (CW) St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
9.30am Eucharist (CW) St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
2.00pm Threads of Lent West Stow
5.00pm Evening Prayer (CW) St George’s, Bury St Edmunds
Thursday 27th March
9.30am Holy Communion (CW) All Saints’, Bury St Edmunds
Friday 28th March
5.15pm Evening Prayer (CW) St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
6.00pm Stations of the Cross St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
Saturday 29th March
10.00am Lent Course: Searched Me Out and Known Me St John's, Bury St Edmunds
SUNDAY 30th March
4th Sunday of Lent
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) All Saints', Bury St Edmunds
9.30am Holy Communion (CW) St George’s, Bury St Edmunds
9.30am Holy Communion (CW) All Saints’, Bury St Edmunds
10.00am Eucharist (CW) Lackford
11.00am Sung Eucharist (CW) St John's, Bury St Edmunds
Details correct at time of going to press.
All services are open and welcoming to everyone.
(BCP - Book of Common Prayer. CW - Common Worship)