We work hard in our parishes to provide opportunities and social events to connect people and combat loneliness. We regularly host at 9:15am breakfast before the 10:00 All Age Service at West Stow on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Stage fetes and fayres also bring communities together, and we host concerts and shows to entertain everyone.
The All Saints Coffee Morning meets at All Saints, Bury St Edmunds on the first Tuesday of each month from 10:00am. Here people enjoy lots of tea, coffee, home-made cake and chat. Donations go towards a different chosen charity each month.
People from our churches are involved in many other organisations including Mothers' Union, Rotary, Samaritans, various choirs and the local Hospices. We also play an active part in Bury St Edmunds Churches Together.
St. George's Craft Group meet regularly - every first Monday of the month from 2:30pm - 4pm in the Lady Chapel of the church for coffee, chat and a range of crafts. Bring along what you're working on or come along and join in! If you would like to know more, please contact us.
Please refer to our What's On section for more detail of other events happening throughout the ministry.