Fornham St Martin

Chutney at the Church (2021) sale at St Martins
Due to inclement weather it was held inside. With hand made cards, books and refreshments it raised £680.

FSM Book Sale and Christmas Stall, 20th November 2021.
[Photo: Beryl Dykes]

Daffodils at Fornham St Martin
[Photo: Beryl Dykes]
Baptism at Fornham St Martin on 24th October 2021
[Photo: Sylvia Bareham]

Remembrance at Fornham St Martin
[Photo: Beryl Dykes]

Quiz and Chips (and fish) at Fornham St Martin 22nd April 2022. £250 raised.
[Photo: Beryl Dykes]

Fornham St Martin's beautiful stained glass windows.
Photos and copyright: Kevin Wailes 11th May 2022

The concert given by Yalda Davis at St Martins church on Friday 27th May 2022 was a great success. 29 people attended, and were very appreciative of the beautiful music.
£290 was raised for the Bells and Tower project.
Photo: Beryl Dykes

Altar with book of condolence, and candles lit at the service of Prayer and Reflection for H M the Queen.
Wednesday 14 September 2022 - with thanks to Beryl Dykes

Remembrance 2022. [Photo: Beryl Dykes]

.Beryl Dykes and Sarah Cooledge accepting the Eco Bronze Award for Fornham St Martin Church - November 2022 [Photo: Beryl Dykes]