Fornham St Martin
St Martin's church was originally built on this site in the eleventh century, but the current building probably dates from the fifteenth century. It has a wonderful Tudor porch to welcome you into a friendly space with box pews and colourful hassocks.
We alternate Sunday and Tuesday Services with our sister village Fornham All Saints. Parish Communion Services take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 10am, using Common Worship service books. Midweek on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 10am we have Holy Communion service.
The Lady Chapel has moveable chairs which allow plenty of room for refreshments and activities. We have many concerts and regular booksales with coffee and cake which are legendary locally - the entire church is filled with books!
The church is open during the summer, with a list of keyholders available in the porch during the winter.

Tower Appeal:
The framework supporting St Martin’s bells is not safe. A team has now been set up to
steer this ambitious but very necessary Tower Project, to replace the inadequate frame and rehang and augment the bells, install a first floor ringing gallery, and create hospitality facilities, all costing an estimated £120,000.
If you would like to donate, however small, please click on this link.
Many thanks for your kindness and generosity.