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All Saint's

A photo of the Macmillan Coffee Morning at All Saints (2021). Including Gift Aid we raised about £130.
Thank you to all who contributed cakes, helped or came along to support us.

Candles in memory of the departed, lit along the altar rail at the All Souls service at All Saints Bury on 7th November 2021. [Photo: Philip Orchard]

Common Spotted orchid copyright Richard Selby

Bee orchid copyright Richard Selby

Bee orchid

Common Spotted orchid copyright Richard Selby
All Saints' Orchids

Holy Week Activity
The cross is part of the Churches Together Jubilee Cross Trail. The idea is that the cross will be on display as part of a trail round the churches, then we will take it to the Abbey Gardens Celebration on the 26th June.

Holy Week Activity
Rev Andy telling a Godly Play story

Holy Week Activity

Holy Week Activity
The cross is part of the Churches Together Jubilee Cross Trail. The idea is that the cross will be on display as part of a trail round the churches, then we will take it to the Abbey Gardens Celebration on the 26th June.
We were delighted to have 20 children with assorted adults attend our Children's Activity Afternoon just before Easter 2022. Most of the children and some adults drew round their hands to decorate our cross. [Photos: Claire Rose]

All Saints celebrated the Platinum Jubilee on Sunday 5th June 2022 with prayers for the Queen and singing the National Anthem, followed by cake and bubbly [Photo: Claire Rose]

Table of Condolence and prayer candles for our late Queen Elizabeth II 9th September 2022 [Photo: Claire Rose]

David and Peter selling tickets and The Bury St Edmunds Youth Concert Band.
Eighty people were treated to a most enjoyable concert on Saturday 1st October 2022 as part of our Harvest celebrations. The Band, which has children from 8 to 18, played with enthusiasm, flags were waved and we all joined in singing Jerusalem and Land of Hope and Glory. [Photo: Claire Rose]

Harvest 2022 All Saints Church [Photo: Claire Rose]

Remembrance 2022 All Saints Church [Photo: Claire Rose]

Children's activity afternoon 8

Children's activity afternoon 6

Children's activity afternoon 1

Children's activity afternoon 8
Children's Activity Afternoon 2022 All Saints Church [Photo: Claire Rose]

Charlie Haylock's talk at All Saints - 18th February 2023.
Over 150 people were served with tea and scones after the talk. Many people commented how much they had enjoyed the afternoon, a huge thank you to all the helpers and scone bakers. A fantastic £1,180, was raised for church funds, after all expenses were paid.
[Photos: Claire Rose]

Friday 12th to Sunday 14th May 2023 Diamond Jubilee of the Church and the Platinum Jubilee of the Parish.
[Photos: Claire Rose]

[Copyright Bury Free Press / Iliffe Media]
Bishop Martin cutting the celebration cake after the Jubilee Service, Sunday 14th May 2023.

Remembrance 2023 All Saints Church [Photo: Valerie Axton]
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